Even in the age of online booking here are 6 impotant reasons:
NO...our fees are totally paid by the Vendors. Commissions are included on all travel, even Direct Online booking. Because of this, we can offer discounts that are not available to online, you will save money by booking with us. We will work within your budget while we focus on making sure you get to
"Live Your Dreams to the Fullest!! "
YES! We have an advisor that is specializing in Group Travel. Do you have an upcoming conference for your business, a student trip or would you like us to create a Fundraising Trip? We can handle the details and ensure that you have access to group seating, performances, entrances, and discounts.
Let us book your Wedding or Vow Renewal with total Concierege Service!!
Have a question about our services? Want to see if your particular vacation is one we can help with? We'd love to hear from you!
6722 Southwest 111th Loop, Ocala, Florida 34476, United States
352-322-1672 Scott@Dreamcruiseandtravels.com Tracy@Dreamcruiseandtravels.com
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